Delphine Ghighi : nouvelle associée du cabinet Laude Esquier & Associés


Laude Esquier & Associés announce the arrival of Delphine GHIGHI as partner! Along with her team of Aude LIVIONLaura S. and Salomé Baige, she is reinforcing our Lyon office.

By joining the firm, Delphine enriches our skills with the creation of a new “Business Contracts & Risk Prevention” area of expertise. This unit will focus on negotiating and drafting secure commercial contracts. It is aimed at French and international clients, operating in particular in the industrial and technological sectors.

We are delighted to welcome Delphine, who has a taste for challenge and shares the values of Laude Esquier & Associés :

1. “Creative is the most important aspect in my eyes: you always have to push yourself to find a solution. The more complex the project, the more interesting the work.
2. Collective, because there’s strength in unity: the more we share, the better the results.
3. Combative, finally, because this quality ties in with the notion of surpassing oneself: never give up, and work with pugnacity to achieve the goal you’ve set yourself”.

To find out more about the background and expertise of Delphine Ghighi, partner at the firm, visit her profile!
